Updates! Updates! Updates!

Well guys and gals, I am proud to say that it has only been a few weeks since I started my 101 Things in 1001 Days Challenge and I am knocking items off that list like Joe Frazier. As you may remember from Living on Purpose: 101 Things in 1001 Days (#61-101!!!), numbers 93-95 were as follows:

93. Redesign my blog
94. Reach 500 views in one month on my blog
95. Start a new interview series on my blog

You can see that the blog has a whole new look and I bet you are feeling it a whole lot better than the old, bland one because I know I am. There may be more changes down the road, but I’m going to feel this new look out for a bit. I am also grateful to let you guys know that the Popped Black Woman Blog has had over 500 views for the month of January! This is the first whole month that the blog has been up and running and I am so excited! I hope to continue to produce content that you all care about so that the views can keep increasing each month. If you have any suggestions for content such as book reviews, interesting stories/ideas, etc, please don’t hesitate to shoot me an email at poppedblackwomanblog@gmail.com.

I know you all are wondering why I haven’t mentioned number 95 yet. I am so pleased to announce that I have two interview series in the works, but the first one I am starting with is the Ask a Popped Brotha series, which features financial advice (and maybe other advice as well, you’ll have to wait and see…) from my very own smart and sexy husband, fondly known as Brotha Aaron around the way. Stay tuned for his introductory post to the series and send your financial questions for him to my email as well.

The Chocolate Hubby Taking a Cool Dip on a Hot Day

The Chocolate Hubby Taking a Cool Dip on a Hot Day

There’s a lot going on in the Popped Black Woman Blog Community and I’m so excited about our journey together. Remember to like us on Facebook and as always stay positively optimistic and powerful 😉

6 thoughts on “Updates! Updates! Updates!

  1. puddin85 says:

    That is awesome, lady! ! It’ll be 3 years in May for my blog. I don’t think it’s hit even 250 likes in 6 months lmbo. Keep up the awesome work. I look forward to the popped man portion!


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